Habitats and classification KS2
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Children look for minibeasts in different habitats. LKS2 children are introduced to classification; UKS2 children create classification keys for themselves.
Typical LKS2 day:
10.00am – 10.45am – welcome / tour / health and safety
10.45am – 11.00am – how might we group these minibeasts? Children to get pictures of different bugs and come up with ways of grouping them. Introduction to classification keys.
11.00am – 12noon – mini beast hunt – which creatures did you find in which habitats. Compare 3 different habitats, collect data.
12noon – 1.00pm – lunch to include s’mores cooked over the fire
1.00pm – 1.45pm – Use classification keys to identify other livings things (trees, plants etc, depending on time of year). Possible use of iPads to support.
1.45pm – plenary and walk back to bus
Possible learning objectives:
- recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways (science, Y4, Living things and their habitats)
- explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local environment (science, Y4, Living things and their habitats)
Typical UKS2 day:
10.00am – 10.45am – welcome / tour / health and safety
10.45am – 11.00am – how might we group these minibeasts? Children to get pictures of different bugs and come up with ways of grouping them. Introduction to classification keys. (Revisit LKS2 objectives)
11.00am – 12noon – mini beast hunt – which creatures did you find in which habitats. Compare 3 different habitats, collect data. Take photographs and / or draw pictures of minibeasts.
12noon – 1.00pm – lunch to include s’mores cooked over the fire
1.00pm – 1.45pm – Create classification key to identify at least 6 different minibeasts. Extension activity: create additional classification keys for plants, trees etc.
1.45pm – plenary and walk back to bus
Possible learning objective: classify plants and animals into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences (adapted from science, Y6, Living things and their habitats).
Contact details : edu.howshammill@gmail.com